Dog Walks 57 Miles to Return to Her Old Home

Dog Walks 57 Miles to Return to Her Old Home

“Change is hard to accept,” remarks a news reporter before sharing a remarkable story: a dog on a quest to return “home.”

Cleo, a four-year-old Labrador, has lived in her current home since 2018. However, a week before the news report, she had gone missing, leaving her family worried about her whereabouts.


Cleo seemed to miss their previous residence while her family had settled well into their new home.

Her solution? To find her way back. Despite the distance of 57 miles between the two houses, Cleo managed to reach her old home.


The new occupants of Cleo’s former house were surprised to find her on their porch one day. Unfamiliar with these new faces, Cleo wouldn’t let them enter the house.

They soon scanned her microchip and discovered she belonged to the home’s previous owners.

The current residents contacted Cleo’s family, who then traveled from Kansas to Missouri to retrieve her. They were relieved to find Cleo safe but puzzled about how she journeyed.


One theory suggests someone might have picked Cleo up and, seeing her microchip information linked to the Missouri address, tried to return her.

Alternatively, Cleo might have walked the entire distance herself. Cleo’s determination to return home is truly remarkable regardless of how she did it.


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