Shelter Staff Outraged After Beloved Dog Abandoned by Family After 7 Years

Shelter Staff Outraged After Beloved Dog Abandoned by Family After 7 Years

You become their entire world when you bring a dog into your home. But sometimes, these loving companions face abandonment when they’re needed the most.

This is precisely what happened to Rooney, a seven-year-old dog whose family left him at a shelter after spending his whole life in a warm home.

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According to a Facebook post by Lone Star Dog Ranch & Dog Ranch Rescue, Rooney’s family decided to give him up because they were expecting a baby.

It was mentioned in the post that they could no longer provide him with the attention he needed. Overnight, Rooney found himself in a shelter, surrounded by strange people and frightened animals.

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Shelter staff were heartbroken by Rooney’s story, and their compassion quickly turned into anger. One employee from Dog Ranch Rescue, Ricky, immediately set out to bring Rooney back to their premises in Anna, Texas.

Upon arrival, Ricky picked Rooney up and whisked him to a safer place, promising to find him a new home.

When the Dog Ranch Rescue staff saw Rooney’s forlorn expression, they couldn’t hold back their emotions.

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They took to Facebook to express their anger at the family that abandoned him. “I am so sick and tired of people ‘getting rid of their dogs’ because you had a baby, a change in your life, blah blah blah blah blah…” the post read.

The writer didn’t mince words, addressing Rooney’s former owner with raw honesty, questioning how they could leave their faithful companion behind.

Despite the anger and frustration, the shelter staff vowed to care for Rooney and find him a new family.

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They welcomed him with open arms, promising he would not face betrayal again. Although Rooney’s journey to recovery has just begun, he is in good hands with Dog Ranch Rescue. Everyone hopes he will soon find a new family to cherish him for the rest of his life.

Read more Dogs News.

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