Males of this species exhibit different breeding behaviors, but all of them tend to primarily defend resources and only then mate. With the onset of the reproductive season, dominant males begin to control areas along water sources. Hence, they can visit and mater with all females of the area, which can be described as a polygynous mating system.
However, this shouldn’t be confused with a harem-based system. Some females may travel between the home ranges of males, while others prefer staying in the same area until the end of the reproductive season. They breed and yield offspring between April and September, generally – in June-July.
Meanwhile, the population in India breeds during the rainy season. The gestation period lasts for 11 months, after which one foal is born. Weaning occurs between 1 and 2 years of age, while the age of reproductive maturity is 3-4 years old.
Adorable meeting | Donkey Mating Habits in season 💦💦