Abandoned and Starving for a Month, a Loyal Dog Finally Finds Love and a Second Chance in a New Home

There are people, who, to say the least, dishonor and disdain us as a species. These are beings without the slightest compassion for others who are more vulnerable, such as pets.

But, not only did he have to remain in that humiliating and extreme situation, but during all that time he hardly tasted a bite or water, which is why he was severely malnourished , on the verge of dying of starvation.

Likewise, residents of the sector confirmed the time the animal lasted in that state. They also said that none of them took care to help him for fear of reprisals that the wealthy, but inhumane, family could carry out.

By a miracle of Providence, Mateus managed to survive his torture throughout that endless month. His case became public and a group of animal rights activists managed to intervene just in time to prevent the canine from suffering even greater harm.

The furry dog ​​was taken from there and rushed to a veterinary clinic to thoroughly examine his state of health and receive the corresponding care and medical treatment.

We will not tire of repeating it: Having a pet demands the same responsibility as having a child. It is clear that not everyone is qualified for this task. There are still many out there who continue to bring pets into their homes, and then make them live in disgrace, humiliation and precariousness.

Share this story with your loved ones. It does not matter if an animal is capable of reasoning, they are capable of suffering, which is why we must consider them as our neighbors.

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