The unexpected happens when you use a banana peel for skin and hair
The banana peel is always thrown away straight away. We don’t even think about it, it’s waste, right? Wrong! If you read this, you’ll be amazed at what the peel is good for. Bananas in general are healthy, full of vitamins and minerals. Ideal for breakfast or in a smoothie.
After reading this, you’ll never throw away banana peels again! Bananas can do much more than just satisfy your hunger. Our favorite banana hack is definitely the effect of rubbing banana peels on your face. Give it a try and discover the amazing benefits for your skin!
You can use it for your skin, hair and many more useful beauty tips. Find out more on the next page.
Radiant complexion and stronger hair.
Bananas contain important ingredients that your body needs, especially the high potassium and magnesium content are a plus. However, banana peels also contain valuable substances that you should not simply throw away. One example: lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant, i.e. a substance that slows down or even completely stops the oxidation of other substances in the body. That’s a good thing! Lutein is known for its anti-inflammatory effect and lowering the risk of arteriosclerosis. It soothes the skin and reduces redness. Parts of dopamine, serotonin and noradrenaline have also been found in banana peel. Serotonin has a mood-enhancing effect.
Application: Skin care
Remove the skin from a ripe banana (i.e. bananas with dark spots) and cut it into slightly smaller pieces. Now wash your face with lukewarm water. Your skin should be free of oil. Now rub the inside of the banana peel pieces over your face. Ideally in circular movements. It is recommended to do this for 10 minutes to get the best result. Important: keep checking that the inside of the shell is still white. If it has turned brown or black, take a new piece.
It is best to leave the banana peel residue on your skin for an additional 10 minutes so that the skin can absorb all the substances. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water. Repeat this treatment every day for a week. If reddening of the skin occurs during this treatment, you should give your skin a break for a few days. Incidentally, this treatment also seems to work wonders against wrinkles!
Application: Hair care
Simply place the peel of the banana in a blender and puree with a little water. Use as a hair mask.
Source: WikiHow and Wikipedia| Image: Videostill YouTube AnitaSamantha