Relive the Joy of 1987: Johnny Carson’s Iconic Singing Dogs Contest (VIDEO)

Relive the Joy of 1987: Johnny Carson’s Iconic Singing Dogs Contest (VIDEO)

Hey there, Carson enthusiasts! We’ve got a delightful blast from the past to share with you today. Do you remember those late nights watching Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show? Well, get ready for a trip down memory lane with a gem that will bring back fond memories.

Picture this: it’s December 31, 1987. Ronald Reagan is the President, a loaf of bread costs just 70 cents, and gas is 95 cents a gallon. You could buy a new car for around $10,000; a movie ticket was only $3.50.

Watch the video at the end.

“Walk Like an Egyptian” by The Bangles was topping the charts, and “Three Men and a Baby” was the theater comedy hit. What a time to be alive!

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In this nostalgic treasure from YouTube, we revisit Johnny Carson’s annual Singing Dog Contest on The Tonight Show. Johnny’s iconic wit and charm shine as he introduces each talented contestant and their musical pups.

Contestants include:

  • Larry Roloff with Mona, the soprano-singing miniature schnauzer
  • Jamie Edmondson with Ruben, the soulful boxer who warms up with a pitch pipe
  • Lora Mae Pratt with Kona, the singing Alaskan Malamute
  • Sela Riley with Raisin, the beagle mix, giving it their all
  • Dusty Hill with Aladdin, the harmonica-playing Sheltie
  • Richard Lyons with Columbo, the piano-playing duo

The studio buzzes with excitement as the audience and Johnny cheers for these talented dogs. The winner is decided by the audience’s applause, and you can feel the joy in the air. Watching this video is sure to put a smile on your face.

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A special shoutout to the wonderful team at MadlyOdd for bringing us these priceless moments. Make sure to like and share their videos with your friends because we all could use a bit more Johnny Carson in our lives.

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the Singing Dog Contest from Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show 1987!

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