The Most Insane Booby Traps Used During the Vietnam War

The Most Insane Booby Traps Used During the Vietnam War

The Vietnam war raged through the 1960s and 1970s as the US found itself locked into a bloody conflict with a small nation very far from home. The plan was to join up with South Vietnamese forces and stamp out a communist uprising in the north of the country. The ill equipped peasant army was not supposed to stand a chance against the USA, but in the end, the communists were victorious. How did they do it Partly it was down to some intense guerilla warfare and the use of terrifying booby traps that made every American soldier tread with fear through the jungle. From the notorious punji sticks to the terrifying cartridge trap, here’s the 20 Most Insane Booby Traps Used During the Vietnam War ► For copyright matters please contact us:

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