20 Things Amish Women Don’t Want You To Know
The Amish are a well known religious group that live mainly in the United States and Canada. They are descended from Anabaptists who fled persecution during the European religious wars of the 16th Century. Unlike many others who came to North America over time to experience religious freedom, the Amish decided to stay just as they were when they left home. And in this modern world that certainly makes them stand out a lot. There are few religious groups with a more iconic look, whether it’s white bonnets or horses and buddies. So what really goes on in this unusual society of pacifism and traditional ways From the way Amish women give birth to their kind of creepy faceless dolls, here are 20 Things Amish Women Don’t Want You To Know ► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com
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