Foster Dog Acts as Nurturing Mother to Rescue Kittens (VIDEO)

Foster Dog Acts as Nurturing Mother to Rescue Kittens (VIDEO)

Megan, an experienced animal foster, has always had her loyal dog, Kona, by her side. Kona, known for her gentle nature, has always rubbed young animals.

When Megan encountered a group of orphaned kittens and could not locate their mother, she cared for them.

Watch the video at the end.


From the moment the kittens arrived, Kona was eager to help, greeting them with curiosity and affection.


Megan set up a temporary space for the kittens in the bathroom. Kona immediately showed interest, frequently visiting the room to watch over the tiny newcomers.

She often peered into their kitten tunnel and interacted with them, grooming or playing. Clearly, Kona was devoted to the kittens, displaying a nurturing instinct.


As the kittens adjusted to their new environment, Megan introduced them to the other pets in the household. Kona’s enthusiastic care for the kittens helped ease the transition.

She carefully monitored how her fellow dogs—Tuna, Mahi, and Grizzly—interacted with the new arrivals, guiding them to accept and play with the kittens.

Kona’s caring nature made the kittens more confident and independent, with Kona always available for comfort.


Although the kittens were eventually adopted, Kona’s experience as a foster mother benefited the kittens and improved her social skills.

Megan feels that Kona’s affectionate support made a significant difference in the kittens’ lives and helped them thrive in their new homes.


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