20 Craziest Things Found By Airport Security
Ah, airport security. Everyone’s favorite part of any vacation is surely waiting around forever to walk through a little gate only to realise you left a coin in some weird zipped up pocket on your pants. And then the alarm sounds and you have to stand around while they scan you with that weird bat and go through all your way too worn out underwear to see if there’s anything shady in your carry on. But the guys at the TSA and their counterparts worldwide have good reason for being so vigilant. It’s all about keeping us safe and sound because there’s a ton of people ready to take crazy risks and smuggle dangerous goods onto a plane. From the guy who was probably a little to dead to fly to the sad tale of the smuggled lizards, here’s the 20 Craziest Things Found By Airport Security ► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com
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