5 Miracles Caught on Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

5 Miracles Caught on Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

Most people believe in a major religion, and that their god works through miracles or even angels. While some doubt the validity of these claims, many consider the existence of a higher power not only necessary, but self-evident in the world. These are 5 miracles caught on camera & spotted in real life! Let’s begin! 5.) 5 Year Old and Grandmother Struck by Moving Car https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=pVMze2ne14c This horrifying video captures the moment that a grandmother and her five year old grandson are dragged into a car accident between a reckless driver and a parked car. The two are being recorded by CCTV as they walk down the snowy and icy street. An incoming back car swerves into the wrong lane, perhaps because of the inclimate road conditions, and collides into a parked car. The parked car slides backwards, striking and barreling over the woman and young boy.Both the boy and his grandmother survived, with relatively minor industries from the accident. The fact that both were okay after such a horrific accident is truly miraculous, considering the amount of trauma we saw them suffer. 4.) Man Walking on Water in India https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=5bwkmlrYShY This video captures a man seemingly walking on water in a river in India. Walking on water has long been considered a miracle and a sign of the supernatural since Biblical times. Like Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this man appears to walk on water, effortlessly and casually, in the middle of the day. While one might consider this to be an illusion or trick, the man is walking by himself and not performing for any apparent crowd of spectators. The only group of people capable of witnessing the apparently miracle are the small group of people on the shore and the cameraman himself. 3.) Balloon Comforts Grieving Mother https://www.youtube.com/redirect.php?w=Z0eSIbU4poU This video captures a strange supernatural moment that a grieving mother is seemingly comforted by a white balloon at the wake of her son in the Philippines. The 7 year old boy had died in September, 2015. Two videos have been released of the incident by the family. In the first video, we see the boy’s white coffin covered in flowers and ballons. In the second video we see one of the balloons make its way towards the grieving mother. Without any apparent intervention or manipulation, the balloon makes its way to the crying mother and makes physical contact with her. She grabs the balloon, and seems calm. According to the family, the spirit of the little boy delivered balloons to his mother and siblings at the wake before passing on to the next world. 2.) Angel of 9/11 Caught on Tape https://blindside.me/mystery/5-most-mysterious-events-science-cannot-explain/ The United States was rocked by the World Trade Center attacks on September 11th, 2001, and the world was rocked by the consequences. While a number of supernatural phenomena has been recorded around the controversial incident, these photographs were captured at the National September 11th Memorial and Musician. The “Angel of 9/11” is captured in a steel girder, that through an alleged number of chemical processes, became twisted into an almost angelic shape, including what appears to be a facial visage. While some might argue that this effect is the product of “pareidolia,” or the recognition of a pattern or face that doesn’t exist, a psychological phenomenon in which the human mind tries to create familiar images out of unordered chaos. 1.) Angel Cancer Survivor Chelsea Benton in the Hospital https://blindside.me/extreme/5-natural-phenomena-nobody-can-explain/ Chelsea Banton was a girl who had been five weeks premature with a number of developmental disabilities, physical disabilities, and health problems. The Paraolympian had contracted pneumonia in 2008, and had reached such a critical level that doctors instructed her parents to take her off life support. On the day that Chelsea Banton was about to die, an angel was captured on film visiting her in the hospital. A flash of light was captured outside of her room, that looked like a humanoid figure with wings. Chelsea survived through the night, and her family took her home two months later. While this miracle proved that it was not Banton’s time yet, she died on November 28, 2015 of medical complications. Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ For copyright matters please contact us: top5sfinest@gmail.com _________________________________________________________________ Thank you so much for watching! Smash that like button for more, make sure you share the video with your friends and dont forget to subscribe! Make sure to follow me here: https://twitter.com/Top5sFinest

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