15 Chicken Breeds You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
Chickens – what would we do without them Our feathered friends have provided us with some of the best foods of all time, for a start. They may not be the smartest birds of all time – you can just draw a line in the dirt and a chicken will be hypnotised by it and kind of just stand there staring. And there’s also the whole thing where you can cut the head off a chicken and it will stay alive, such as the famous chicken known as Mike who lived for months without a head. But who needs brains when you taste just fantastic fried in batter There are a lot of chickens in the world – almost 24 billion of them. And among those there’s some pretty amazing birds. From the chicken that runs around naked all day to the chicken heartbreaker, here’s 15 Chicken Breeds You Won’t Believe Actually Exist! ► For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com
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