50 Orchid Species Name | Orchid Flower | Types of Orchid With Pictures and Names

50 Orchid Species Name | Orchid Flower | Types of Orchid With Pictures and Names

Here is 50 Orchid Species photos and their names.Orchid species are one of the largest families of flowering plant.Orchids Plants are comparatively costlier than other garden plants. In this video you can see different type of orchid with picture and name. You can check price in below link Some species name given below. Available names given below Abdominea Acampe Acanthophippium Aceratorchis Acianthus Acineta Acrorchis Ada Aerangis Aeranthes Aerides Aganisia Agrostophyllum Anacamptis Ancistrochilus Angraecum Anguloa Ansellia Aorchis Aplectrum Arachnis Arethusa Armodorum Ascocenda Ascocentrum Ascoglossum Australorchis Auxopus Baptistonia Barkeria Barlia Bartholina Beloglottis Biermannia Bletilla Brassavola Brassia Bulbophyllum Calanthe Calypso Catasetum Cattleya Chiloschista Cirrhopetalum Cleisostoma Clowesia Coelogyne Coryanthes Cycnoches Cymbidium Cyrtopodium Cypripedium Dactylorhiza Dendrobium Disa Dracula Encyclia Epidendrum Epipactis Eria Eulophia Gastrochilus Gongora Goodyera Grammatophyllum Gymnadenia Habenaria Herschelia Ionopsis Laelia Lepanthes Liparis Ludisia Lycaste Masdevallia Maxillaria Meliorchis Mexipedium Miltonia Mormodes Odontoglossum Oeceoclades Oncidium Ophrys Orchis Paphiopedilum Papilionanthe Paraphalaenopsis Peristeria Phaius Phalaenopsis Pholidota Phragmipedium Platanthera Platystele Pleione Pleurothallis Pomatocalpa Promenaea Pterostylis Renanthera Renantherella Restrepia Restrepiella Rhynchostylis Roezliella Saccolabium Sarcochilus Satyrium Seidenfadenia Selenipedium Serapias Sobralia Sophronitis Spiranthes Stanhopea Stelis Thrixspermum Tolumnia Trias Trichocentrum Trichoglottis Vanda Vanilla Yoania Zeuxine Zygopetalum https://www.amazon.in/sk=live+orchids+plants&adgrpid=64461303812&ext_vrnc=hi&gclid=CjwKCAiAjrXxBRAPEiwAiM3DQuDnNVPx5ha3ZNTcfJ5s3XV38Mo_frflg7VNwVF-xW_muaYAVt_niBoCQI0QAvD_BwE&hvadid=294109350234&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9040215&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=b&hvrand=6911119428371465693&hvtargid=aud-855130665547%3Akwd-2924286338&hydadcr=559_1856301&tag=googinhydr1-21&ref=pd_sl_33fary6wyd_b #orchid #OrchidFlower #orchidSpecies

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