Woman Adopts Stray Dog During Trip, They Become Unstoppable Duo
While exploring a remote area in New Mexico, Nikki was surprised when a stray dog leaped into her lap as soon as she opened her car door.
She decided to name him Camper. A passionate hiker, Nikki had just begun one of her hiking adventures when she met Camper.
Throughout the hike, Camper stayed close by Nikki as if he had chosen her as his new owner. By the end of the trek, Nikki couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him behind, leading her to decide to adopt him.
Nikki took Camper to a veterinarian, who confirmed he was a stray. The vet advised that Nikki must wait 5 to 6 days to see if anyone came forward to claim the dog. If not, Camper would officially become hers.
Nikki eagerly anticipated the chance to adopt Camper and booked a hotel room for their first few nights together. Camper was thrilled about the new adventures and the idea of staying with Nikki.
Camper quickly adapted to his new life. He was a high-energy, affectionate dog who enjoyed his first bath at the hotel.
Nikki, who had been living out of her car for nearly a year due to her love for travel, found that Camper fit perfectly into her lifestyle.
They spent the first night of their new journey sleeping in the car, and Camper proved an excellent companion for road trips.
The pair embraced the outdoors, going on daily hikes and spending most of their time exploring nature. Camper saw more of the country in a month than many people did in years.
They traveled through Oregon, Colorado, Arizona, and California, from beaches to deserts. Camper’s presence added joy and companionship to Nikki’s adventurous life.
Read more Dogs News.
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