Special Needs Dog Mugshot Finds Love and Care at Road Dogs and Rescue (VIDEO)

Special Needs Dog Mugshot Finds Love and Care at Road Dogs and Rescue (VIDEO)

Nikki Carvey, founder of Road Dogs and Rescue in Los Angeles, California, is dedicated to caring for dogs with medical and special needs. Over the years, she has rescued hundreds of dogs, providing them the love and care they deserve.

One of these dogs is Mugshot, an English bulldog who quickly became one of Nikki’s favorites. Mugshot came to the rescue center as a surrender, and the moment Nikki saw his picture, she knew she had to foster him. His charming yet oversized tongue earned him the name Mugshot.

Watch the video at the end.

Mugshot’s personality is as unique as his name. Though initially shy, he soon developed a habit of lifting his paw towards Nikki, a gesture she lovingly dubbed the “paw of love and friendship.” Nikki believes this simple act symbolizes the importance of connection and reaching out to one another.


Despite his seemingly grumpy appearance, Mugshot is a mellow and affectionate dog. He was in good health but extremely lazy, often reluctant to engage in activities. Walking him was a challenge, as he would look at Nikki with confusion and disapproval.

Mugshot’s laid-back nature extended to interactions with other dogs. He would remain unbothered as puppies chewed on his feet, ears, and face, prompting Nikki to call them “tiny barnacles.”


Mugshot preferred lounging and watching the world go by, often following Nikki around and staring at her with a human-like gaze.

For Nikki, the most fulfilling aspect of her work is witnessing the transformation of these dogs. Seeing them become happy and content despite their challenges is incredibly heartwarming.

At Road Dogs and Rescue, no matter their condition, every dog is cherished and given a second chance at life.


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