Abandoned Dog Found in Kennel Near Highway Gets a Second Chance

Abandoned Dog Found in Kennel Near Highway Gets a Second Chance

Trust is a fundamental aspect of human relationships, fostering long-lasting bonds. Unfortunately, this virtue is sometimes disregarded when it comes to animals, leading to heartbreaking instances of abandonment.

Dogs, in particular, suffer greatly when their trust is betrayed, often struggling to recover from the emotional trauma.

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One such story involves a sweet dog named Nova, who was found abandoned in a kennel near a busy highway.


A Heartbreaking Discovery

Nova’s story is both tragic and touching. Despite her hopeful start in life, her owner left her on the side of a highway with a sign that read “free.” The sight of a dog abandoned in such a dangerous and lonely place is heart-wrenching.

Fortunately, a compassionate passerby noticed Nova and couldn’t ignore her plight. This Good Samaritan took to social media to seek help from rescue organizations.

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Madison Nygard, a volunteer with Pawfect Match Rescue in North Carolina, swiftly answered their call for assistance.


Recalling the moment, Nygard told People magazine, “I was on my way. I had seen it a couple of minutes after it had posted it. I got to Nova before the post hit the hour mark.”

Nova’s Path to Recovery

Upon arriving at the scene, Nygard was shocked and saddened by the sign on Nova’s kennel. Determined to help, she conferred with animal control officers and took Nova under her wing.

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She brought Nova to a veterinary clinic in North Carolina for a thorough checkup and any necessary treatments.


“I knew that at least if I brought her into the house, she would have food in her belly, and I could physically monitor her,” Nygard explained.

Now in Nygard’s foster care, Nova began to thrive. She quickly adapted to her new environment, showing gratitude and joy.

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Nygard was thrilled to see Nova getting along well with everyone in the house and making remarkable progress after her ordeal.


A Brighter Future

While Nova enjoyed her time in her foster home, Nygard knew the ultimate goal was to find her a permanent family.

Several potential adopters have shown interest, and although the adoption process may take some time, Nova is safe, happy, and surrounded by love in the interim. She has a warm home, plenty of treats and toys, and a family genuinely caring for her.

Read more Dogs News.


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