Dog in Terrible Condition Gets a Second Chance After Rescue: 17 Pounds of Fur Removed

Dog in Terrible Condition Gets a Second Chance After Rescue: 17 Pounds of Fur Removed

When Barney, a Black Russian Terrier, was rescued from his owner, he was unrecognizable under layers of matted fur, some weighing down on him with dirt and feces.

His severe neglect drew the attention of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), who took him in after he was removed from his owner by the police.

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RSPCA Inspector Tina Nash described Barney’s state when he arrived at their facility. “He was extremely matted, with big clumps of fur hanging off of him that appeared full of dirt or feces and tightly bound to areas around his back.”

The dog’s owner, Tim Ronald Springett, admitted he thought grooming wasn’t necessary because of the breed, but this excuse didn’t hold up.

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Barney’s condition was so severe that he struggled to see through the fur covering his eyes, and the weight of the matted coat caused him pain when he moved.

Determined to give Barney a fresh start, the RSPCA team embarked on a long grooming session to free him from his burden. It was a challenging process, removing 17 pounds of fur.

According to a veterinarian who helped in the grooming session, “The dog had been made to support a coat weighing approximately 21% of his body weight as he moved around. The weight of this coat would have risen considerably when the dog was wet.”

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After the grooming session, Barney was transformed, revealing a happy dog with a beautiful smile. The RSPCA placed him in private boarding and announced that he would soon be ready for rehoming. Despite the arduous journey, Barney seemed prepared to embrace a brighter future with a loving family.

As for his owner, Tim Ronald Springett faced legal consequences for his neglect. He received a five-year animal ownership ban and a 12-month community service order.

Additionally, he was fined $500 in costs and a $120 victim surcharge. This outcome gave Barney and the RSPCA team some justice for the dog’s ordeal.

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With Barney’s future looking much brighter, the hope is that he will find a caring home where he will never experience neglect again.

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